We are so delighted that you have decided to join us for this outdoor worship experience this morning! We are expecting to experience God’s presence as we worship, pray, and hear God’s Word!
There are a few basic guidelines that we ask you to adhere to due to the present health crisis.
- Please follow social distancing guidelines. Please sit with your family and allow at least 6 feet between you and the next worshiper(s).
- We ask that you refrain from shaking hands, hugging, or other forms of physical contact with others. (This is a temporary guideline due to the ongoing Covid-19 Crisis. While you may be very comfortable with shaking hands, or hugging, not everyone is. There are some who have health related concerns. We need to be respectful of this. As conditions change, we will lift this restriction so that we can go back to enjoying the kind of fellowship we have grown accustomed to and love so much.)
- There will be offering buckets at various places in the parking lot. At the appropriate time, you can place your offering in any bucket.
- The restrooms can be accessed by using the fellowship hall entrance only.
We trust that you will follow these simple guidelines and enjoy a wonderful worship experience!
Pastor Karick and Ministry Staff.